اون شب یه مطلبی خوندم. صد تا چیزی که آدم میتونه در مورد خودش دوست داشته باشه. به نظرم بامزه بود. دیدم اینطور که معلومه خیلی خودشیفته م. :)) اونایی که در مورد خودم دوست دارم رو بولد میکنم. آبی ها رو هم خیلی خیلی بیشتر دوست دارم :))
- Your sense of humor
- Your laugh
- Your ability to make others laugh when they need it
- Your intuition
- Your willingness to challenge yourself
- Your understanding of what makes you feel happiest
- Your taste in movies
- Your taste in books
- Your taste in clothes
- The way you don't care about clothes
- The way you hug people
- Your eye for design
- Your organizational skills
- Your quiet intensity
- Your loud boisterous demeanor
- Your facial expression quirks
- Your voice
- The way you cry about things that are important to you
- Your special relationship with your friends
- Your special relationship with fictional characters
- Your ability to smile even when things get hard
- The twinkle in your eye when you get excited about something
- The chaos that is your living space seeming to be perfectly adapted to your lifestyle
- Your ability to bounce back from that really hard thing you had to deal with
- Your thoughts on literature
- Your thoughts on politics
- Your thoughts on culture
- Your thoughts
- Your causes and charities and the way you contribute to them
- Your deep contemplations that never seem to fully work themselves out
- The way you wring your hands when you're nervous
- The way you babble when you're tired
- The way you would defend your best friend against an army with a spoon if it came down to it
- The hobby that you care about and how much you love it
- The way you changed someone's life (and you did)
- That time you gave someone a second chance they didn't deserve because sometimes that's what they really need
- The way you spend hours reading
- The things you doodle
- The way you say "no" when you need to
- The way you work to become a better person
- Your honesty
- Your compassion
- Your bravery
- Your generosity
- Your curiosity
- Your open mind
- Your ability to care for houseplants
- The way you cook
- The fact that you recycle
- The way you tip well
- The way you are responsible about your finances
- The way you are working on being responsible with your finances
- The fact that you can admit when there is a problem
- Your humility
- Your attitude
- Your accent
- Your athletic ability
- Your flexibility
- Your commitment to your health
- Your intelligence
- Your problem solving skills
- Your knowledge of every state capital
- Your refusal to partake in any activity that goes against your morals
- Your commitment to your faith
- Your idealism
- Your realism
- Your taste in music
- Your musical ability
- Your focus on the big things in life
- Your focus on the little things in life
- Your ability to keep a secret
- The way you know when to shut up (because sometimes you just need to shut up)
- Your appreciation of silence
- Your appreciation of nature
- The fact that you turn off lights that are not in use
- Your commitment to getting enough sleep
- Your spontaneity
- Your deliberateness
- The way you handle crises pretty well
- The fact that others know they can depend on you
- The way you can trust others
- Your creativity
- Your stubbornness
- Your changeability
- Your memory
- Your list-making abilities
- Your competitive spirit
- Your good manners
- Your hospitality
- You're not afraid to start over
- Your advice is always good (and rarely followed for some reason)
- Your ability to translate complicated ideas into something easy to understand
- Your mathematical mind
- Your artistic mind
- Your adept hands
- Your ability to speak more than one language
- Your dedication to doing something meaningful with your life
- Your willingness to follow your dreams
- Your ability to give yourself time to heal and recoup when life gets you down
- Your ability to endure everything that has come your way through to this very moment